Traveling Luck for Norfolk Island. Norfolk Island, Oceania

Norfolk Island is located in Oceania, island in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Australia.

Land in Norfolk Island is volcanic formation with mostly rolling plains.

Norfolk Islander(s) land covers an area of 34.600000000000001 square kilometers which is about 0.2 times the size of Washington, DC

Norfolk Islander(s) flag Norfolk Islander(s) national flag (Flag of Norfolk Island)

As for the Norfolk Islander(s) climate; subtropical; mild, little seasonal temperature variation.

Norfolk Islander(s) speak English (official), Norfolk a mixture of 18th century English and ancient Tahitian.

Norfolk Islander(s) Map Norfolk Islander(s) map

Regions of Norfolk Island

Two British attempts at establishing the island as a penal colony (1788-1814 and 1825-55) were ultimately abandoned. In 1856, the island was resettled by Pitcairn Islanders, descendants of the Bounty mutineers and their Tahitian companions.

Country Profile for Norfolk Island

Tourism, the primary economic activity, has steadily increased over the years and has brought a level of prosperity unusual among inhabitants of the Pacific islands. The agricultural sector has become self-sufficient in the production of beef, poultry, and eggs.

Norfolk Islander(s) natural resources include fish

most of the 32 km coastline consists of almost inaccessible cliffs, but the land slopes down to the sea in one small southern area on Sydney Bay, where the capital of Kingston is situated

Norfolk Islander(s) religion is Anglican 34.9%, Roman Catholic 11.7%, Uniting Church in Australia 11.2%, Seventh-Day Adventist 2.8%, Australian Christian 2.4%, Jehovah's Witness 0.9%, other 2.7%, unspecified 15.3%, none 18.1% (2001 census).

Natural hazards in Norfolk Island include typhoons (especially May to July).